Southminster Memorial Hall

Thank you for visiting our site.   

Do come back often as information, particularly the "What's On?" page,

is updated regularly!

AGM notice July 2024 web version.docx

Nomination form for elected members

Nomination form for elected members 2024.docx

Nomination form for organisations

SMH organisation Nomination Form appointed member July 2024.docx

The Hall's History

Southminster Memorial Hall was built in memory of all those who sacrificed their lives in the Great War.  

The idea was initiated by the local branch of The Royal British Legion who planned to keep the hall for their own use however, it was decided that a more fitting tribute would be to extend this for the good of the community as a whole, so money raised and given to of group of local trustees who set about raising further funds and securing donations of land to build a hall for public use.  The only request from the British legion was that the name of the hall should remain as "Southminster Memorial Hall".  The building was completed and was officially opened in 1933 by Lady Raleigh. 

Since that time, the hall's trustees have been appointed from both hiring organisations and elected, local trustees.  The committee continues to meet monthly. If you are interested in attending a meeting please contact us at 

In 1993, the original declaration which is dated 5th July 1933 was replaced by the new Model Deed for Village Halls and the hall was designated as a registered charity.  Sadly, many of the original organisations no longer exist but the trustees are committed to ensuring that the hall continues to serve its community well and continues to fundraise and secure grants and further funding which has been used to refurbish, repair and improve ensuring that both halls are of benefit to the local community for many years to come!

A plaque, in the main hall, proudly displays the names of those who have made a significant contribution to the maintenance and smooth running of the building.  If you know of someone who you feel should be included on this list, please email  so that your suggestion can be considered by the committee. 

If you have any information or photos which could be displayed on this page, or are interested in becoming a committee member, please let us know, we would love to hear from you! 

To enquire about lettings, please contact Dave on  0777 5758118

The Committee would very much like to thank all local businesses and individuals, new and longstanding who have been kind enough to donate their time, money, skills or resources;  Without your generous help the hall could so easily have fallen into disrepair and failed to meet it's original purpose as a place for community use.  

Thank you.